Why customers become fewer and fewer in your children indoor playground

indoor playground membership

Nowadays, the competition for children’s indoor playground industry is more and more fierce; in order to attract customers, many operators adopt indoor playground membership system, it is an indispensable marketing means. But some operators do not pay attention to Member management, which results in the loss of members. So, how do we manage our members?

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Mismanagement of indoor playground membership

1, Excessive development of new members,  lack of maintenance service to old members

2, Communication frequency is too high, contact purpose is too direct, the communication channel is dull and single,  all of these cause harassment and disgust to the members.

3, The indoor playground members information is not comprehensive. Operators can not stimulate customers second consumption by analyzing information.

4, Lack of long-term member management awareness. Operators simply treat membership system as the promotions, ignoring more needs of the members, and pull down the members of the consumption level.

5, Do not classify customers. All indoor playground members use the same marketing way, ignoring different services to different level members.

Reasons for indoor playground membership management problems

1.Not suitable membership system matching to the play area and consumption level.

2, The value of membership is not recognized.

indoor playground sand pool

How to improve members stickiness?

1. Collect member data, maintain the old members, attract new members.

Without a doubt, playground operators will make promotional activities on an opening day. Through preferential activities, operators can attract new members and input the basic information of customers.

At the same time, it is also very important to maintain a relationship with old members. Operators can send wishes on the client’s birthday or children school admission day.

2. Playground staff should have professional knowledge of indoor playground equipment and nursing, so they can provide advice to customers.

3. The classification of customers

Indeed, the core of indoor playground membership management is the customer; therefore, in order to ensure the efficient running, operators should first clarify the customer standards: who is the general customer,  who is the key customer.

Making customer satisfaction as the goal, operators provide matching services so that the value of the children’s playground and customer value objectives are harmonious.

In general, we need to make use of large data and make a deep analysis of the members; then we can meet the different consumer demand.

So, only knowing members data management,  we can understand members, and continuously tap their true value. The goal of children’s indoor playground membership is to do repeat business.

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